Helpful Tips for Registration


If you are a “regular” participant (meaning you aren’t presenting at the conference) then please go to the general registration link.  Once on the landing screen, under "Start Your Registration" where it says "Please select registration type", indicate the days of the conference you want to attend.    Questions can be sent to


If you are presenting, either in a workshop or a poster session, please use the presenting link.  Once there, on the first page, you should decide how long you want to attend the conference (registration type).  For instance, if you want to attend the whole conference, you’d click on full conference, presenter. L If you want to attend one additional day, say Monday and you present on Tuesday, you would click on Presenter, add Monday.


If you are an exhibitor or sponsor, then you should have filled out an application and been approved as an exhibitor before you enter that registration link.  For more information about that, email us at


At any time if you have difficulty with registration, click on the envelop icon and email the company that is handling registration for this conference.  They have been very responsive and helpful to all so far.